Jesus, thank you!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Poor In Spirit: Digging Deeper

Matt. 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Sometimes we may refer to someone's demeanor by using the word spirit. For example, Someone might say of another that they have a quiet spirit, or a gentle spirit, or a contrary spirit. In verse 3 Jesus mentions people who are poor in spirit. The greek word translated spirit is pneuma, which by implication in this verse means mental disposition. Disposition has to do with moods, attitudes, and mindsets. So what does it mean to have a poor spirit? Wouldn't it have to do with how we view ourselves? Wouldn't it mean that we approach our lives, our jobs, our friends and our families with the realization that we have nothing? Wouldn't a poor spirit make us hold everything with an open hand, and cause us to be tied to nothing? Wouldn't it make us less quarrelsome, and ready to sacrifice anything? A man who is poor in spirit is happy, because he has absolutely nothing to worry about. He sees the worth of Christ, and the worthlessness of material things apart from Christ. This man is ready to give up anything and everything to follow Christ. Lord, reveal the truth to me and change my heart so I may have the faith to have a poor spirit. Without you we grow cold and complacent. We become satisfied with nothingness, because we are deceived into thinking it's something. Make real to us just how poor we really are. Cause us to despair unless our eyes are upon you. Draw near to me, and don't let me waist my life. May I become more meek and humble as I draw near to you. Please be faithful to me. Please reward me with the highest treasure, yourself.

Mark 8:36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world(nothingness), and lose his own soul?

Posted by Jeremy Turner :: 9:36 PM :: 1 comments

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