Jesus, thank you!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Slow Fires

Psa 39:7 "And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.

I gathered with a few close friends last evening around a bonfire. This "fire" was rather lame at first, but eventually grew larger, no thanks to me! Anyway, as I was impatiently waiting for the fire to get started, I was suddenly reminded of an attitude I've had toward God in the past.

There have been times that I have sought the Lord, and expected him to suddenly come in all of his glory, and bring me rapid deliverance from my trouble. Wait? Lord! What are you talking about?

The world seems to be obsessed with the word instant. Human beings are constantly seeking after more comfortable, more quick ways to get things done. We have developed things like computers, convenience stores, fast food, credit, cell phones, freeways, airplanes, etc... As things around us become more and more convenient, the battle to exude patience becomes more difficult.

In the verse, David basically says:

"Why do I wait?"
He answers himself:
"Because I have hope!".
Hope in what?

I believe he had hope in the nature of God's faithfulness, and this sustained him through what, at times, seemed like the complete absence of God's presence.

If last night, I had not been confident in the nature of fire to progressively get hotter, and soon produce heat; the last thing I would've done is endured those few moments of cold weather.

CJ Mahaney once said, "There is enough certainty in Scripture to sustain us through mystery."

Life is full of mystery, but scripture truly offers enough certainty, enough hope, to get us through.

May we never give up on earnestly seeking after the manifested presence of God. As we do he will intensify our passion for Him. May we have hope in His faithfulness that has been proven time and time again!

Posted by Jeremy Turner :: 12:59 PM :: 3 comments

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