Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Blogger Pictures
well, I've changed my picture again. I was completely content with the first one, but no one else liked it. The next pic was supposed to look like a "mug shot", turns out it looked like a "drug shot", so I've changed my pic for hopefully the last time. If you don't like this one, kindly keep me in ignorance!
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
10:22 PM ::
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Sharing Our Attention with Others
Every one, to some extent, must look out for themselves. If you don’t pay attention to how you walk, you’re going to stumble, if you don’t eat you will starve, if you don’t get dressed, you’re going to get arrested :), if you don’t look in the mirror, you’re going to look sloppy, If you don’t take a shower your going to smell like Oscar the Grouch. If you don’t think before you speak, you’re going to make a fool out of yourself, if you don’t meditate upon scripture, you’re going to lose your grip on reality, if you don’t work, you’ll be poor (well, in our country, who knows?) We obviously have to pay close attention to ourselves.
Phi 2:4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
While I must pay close attention to what goes on with me, I must also give attention to those I know. Some of the areas that I struggle in are as follows: I find it a hard to give equal attention to journals other than mine. It is truly a struggle to make sure I am examining what others are writing. In Care Group, I struggle with listening closely to what others offer in discussion. Often times I am too busy putting together the next thought I want to express. Too many times we are more concerned about being heard than hearing what others say. When it comes to walking with the Lord, do I care for others as I do myself? Am I concerned with their joy as much as I am my own? Ever heard this one? “So and So hurt my feelings!” This is most likely a sign of you putting your interest before the interests of others. We need to examine ourselves when we are easily offended. When this verse affects you, you will be on your way to having the strength to forgive anything. Of course, this all means nothing without the cross as its backdrop.
I want to give a quick example of someone in my life, whom I’ve noticed consistently putting others before themselves. Jay & Michelle Harrison have welcomed visitors on Thursday evenings for who knows how long now. It doesn't stop there either. From cooking, to cleaning & straightening up, to planning, to purchases both large and small for our enjoyment, they have put our interests before their own and it's just another evidence of grace at work in them. I can think of some others, but I will stop there.
If you want to practice this concept, look to the ultimate example, the Man who made this possible.
2Co 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
How did the Savior put our interests before His? The ultimate instance was obviously the cross, but this mentality was shown in absolutely everything he did. Because he was perfect, on His merits we have been made perfect in the sight of the father, and I have great hope that Christ inside of me will produce Philippians 2 humility!
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
9:05 AM ::
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Today's Test Score: F
Well, the Lord issued a real life test in what he taught me this morning. I got caught up in a debate on my dad's blog and clearly displayed the attitudes of both rivalry and conceit. It's kind of funny to me, because after I posted my blog this morning, I was completely convinced that there would be a test, and there was! We must be on the alert at all times! With the debate,I was not wrong in all my comments; if you want to review them click here.
P.S. I also posted the last "anonymous" comment having to do with John having all of Aaron's accusations straight.
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
5:46 PM ::
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Rivalry and Conceit
Phi 2:3 Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.
A lot of people live their lives around one thing, selfishness. In fact, every person who has not been effected by the cross of Jesus Christ, is completely driven by selfishness. After all, what else is there? Some might say greed. Isn’t greed rooted in selfishness? There are two expressions of selfishness listed in this verse, Rivalry and Conceit.
What I think these two words mean in their context:
is seeing a lack of or a threat to something you value, so much so that a competitive attitude is developed toward the person who possesses what you lack, or threatens what you possess.
Is finding pleasure in comparing what you possess, with what others lack.
A rivalrous attitude can come from perceiving another person’s conceit. This is often verbalized in statements such as, “I’ll show him!”, or “She thinks she…!”, or “Who do they think they are?”. Before we know it, we have a competitive attitude with those who are supposed to be on our same “team”. We are out to prove ourselves, even if it’s not clear to us what we are trying to prove.
Two conceited people can be in competition to prove who is more gifted, more witty, more knowledgeable, more spiritual, more attractive, more experienced, what ever the case may be.
Two people with absolutely no confidence in themselves; those the world would label as having low self esteem, can be in competition or rivalry to prove to themselves, eachother, and/or those around them that they are something they are not.
Sadly, these expressions of selfishness are seen not only among the lost, but among Christians. Evidently, Paul saw this problem when he wrote this letter, or he would not have given this instruction.
So, what attitude does Paul tell us to put on in lieu of rivalry and conceit? He tells us to be humble, or selfless. Humility throws cold water on selfishness. If humility is making others more important than myself, there’s no way I can, at the same time, take pleasure in perceiving what they lack. Also, if humility is producing these right attitudes in me, someone I perceive as conceited should not at all be a threat to me.
All in all, when meditated upon, the truth about the cross fights selfishness to the death. How foolish we are if we minimize it’s importance in daily living!
2Co 5:14 For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died;
2Co 5:15 and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised.
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
9:21 AM ::
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Slow Fires
Psa 39:7 "And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.
I gathered with a few close friends last evening around a bonfire. This "fire" was rather lame at first, but eventually grew larger, no thanks to me! Anyway, as I was impatiently waiting for the fire to get started, I was suddenly reminded of an attitude I've had toward God in the past.
There have been times that I have sought the Lord, and expected him to suddenly come in all of his glory, and bring me rapid deliverance from my trouble. Wait? Lord! What are you talking about?
The world seems to be obsessed with the word instant. Human beings are constantly seeking after more comfortable, more quick ways to get things done. We have developed things like computers, convenience stores, fast food, credit, cell phones, freeways, airplanes, etc... As things around us become more and more convenient, the battle to exude patience becomes more difficult.
In the verse, David basically says:
"Why do I wait?"
He answers himself:
"Because I have hope!".
Hope in what?
I believe he had hope in the nature of God's faithfulness, and this sustained him through what, at times, seemed like the complete absence of God's presence.
If last night, I had not been confident in the nature of fire to progressively get hotter, and soon produce heat; the last thing I would've done is endured those few moments of cold weather.
CJ Mahaney once said, "There is enough certainty in Scripture to sustain us through mystery."
Life is full of mystery, but scripture truly offers enough certainty, enough hope, to get us through.
May we never give up on earnestly seeking after the manifested presence of God. As we do he will intensify our passion for Him. May we have hope in His faithfulness that has been proven time and time again!
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
12:59 PM ::
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Hope for change
Lately, I have been very aware of every little problem, short coming, and weakness that exist in my life, and there are many! This unbiblical way of thinking only constructs a prison of doubt, constant discouragement and defeat. If all I ever focus on is my many faults, so much so that it keeps me pinned down, I will be in a state of discouragement until the day I die, because I will never be faultless. I don't have to be though, because Christ was and is perfect.
Rom 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Rom 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death.
The Lord has shown me that lasting change is an effect of being solely focused upon the Word of God. This focus leaves no room for trying to figure out my problems. I disagree with people who refer to the bible as a "road map". The bible isn't a compilation of cold facts that help us assemble life's pieces. The bible is alive; it is itself life. It is referred to as the bread of life. All we have to do is eat for our bodies to become nourished by our food. Physical nourishment is simply the effect of eating food, like spiritual nourishment is the effect of consuming spiritual food. When I am driven to consume as much of the word as possible, the change that I once was worried about, and was focused upon will take place without me even realizing it. One who has an immovable concentration on the word becomes the man that God wants him to be without trying to change. I don't believe we should even have the attitude, "what in the world is God's will for my life?!". I believe we simply do the will of God as long as we're focused on him. God's will is something we find ourselves doing as our minds meditate on His word, not go out of minds trying to make happen. I think back to the greatest times of spiritual victory in my life, and remember nothing about even being aware of my problems, yet positive change was taking place!
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
5:28 PM ::
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Friday, November 18, 2005
Five Elements of the Universe
Time, Space, Matter, Power, and Motion
Genesis 1:1,3 (written 3,450 years ago): "In the beginning God created the
Heaven and the earth . . . And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the
Science expresses the universe in five terms: time, space, matter, power and
motion. "In the beginning (time) God created (power) the Heaven (space) and the
earth (matter) . . . And the Spirit of God moved (motion) upon the face of the
-Ray Comfort
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
1:57 PM ::
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Their Lives
Phi 2:1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
Phi 2:2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.
The lives of those to whom Paul ministered consumed Him. I am reminded of our series in Thessalonians where we learned about Christian love. There are many ways that we can have an unhealthy focus on our friends. I do believe we are to be in a passionate pursuit of the hearts of those we love, but the correct mindset and motives are demonstrated here, just as we've seen in 1thess 2.
What does it take to ease our minds? What does it take to put us in a "good mood"? Does our peace of mind come from having some extra money after the bills are paid, the arrival of the weekend, resolved conflicts? What really does it for me? Is it something centered around me, that only affects me, or is my passion seeing those I know growing in their knowledge of Christ, and their love for one another. Can my whole world be falling apart, and yet be full of joy, because those who I love with the love of Christ are growing? I have a long way to go.
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
7:10 AM ::
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Jesus, thank you!
Well, all of my buddies in ministry have a blog, so I figured I would put one together. I am truly thankful for my brothers and sisters in Christ. I have many friends who love me and accept me. I am thankful for the evidences of grace I see in my friends. May we continue to pursue God, and encourage eachother to do the same!
I am also thankful to God for blessing me with a family who is driven by their love for Christ, and have come to the knowledge of the truth. God loves me, and the family he has put me in is one of the ways he shows that love. My parents have loved me even when I was wayward, and have patiently labored, and hurt, and wept, and prayed on my behalf.
Posted by Jeremy Turner ::
2:47 PM ::
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